How to verify identities on your marketplace with Stripe Identity
To use Stripe Identity in a no-code way, log into your Stripe account, go to the More tab, then Identity (you may need to enable it). Click Create Verification to generate a link that customers can use to verify their identity before making a payment. You can choose the type of document (e.g., driver's license, ID card, passport) and set a return URL. Entering the customer's email is optional—if provided, Stripe will send the link automatically; otherwise, you can copy and share it manually. Verification status can be checked in the Identity tab. Full automation requires a developer using Stripe’s SDK or API.
"Figure I'd record a short video of what I know to be the most no code non technical way to use the stripe identity product. You'll log into your stripe account under the more tab in the dashboard on the left hand side. You'll go to identity. You might have to enable that. I'm not sure if your dashboard is going to look slightly different, but Stripe support should help you with that.
Go to create verification in the top right. And this is like a no code way of generating a link that if you send to a customer, it'll force them to verify their identity. And you'd use this to check their identity before they would send the payment. I could say, if I want to Capture their driver's license, or ID card, or passport, or whatever types of documents you're accepting to verify their identity.
Check whatever you need and then you could put like a return URL, after they verify their identity, you could redirect them to a thank you page, potentially, or some other place. You would put in their email address,
or that's optional. I believe if you put in their email address it automatically sends to them, but if you don't, then it just creates a link if I click create, and I can copy the link, and then paste it, and when I go to it, it'll ask me to verify my identity, and in Stripe, you'll be able to see whether they've been verified or not in your identity tab.
And then you'd be able to transfer the money to them.
Now, if you need this to be fully automated, that does require the use of a developer. In their last message, they were using words like SDK, API, that those are indicators that they're referring to ways of automating that with custom code. That is not something that's default offered in Tangram, but you can have an outside developer come in and automate the process for you."
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