How to create a new listing type for group classes/events on Tangram

Published on
January 23, 2025
Paris Mielke


This video provides a step-by-step guide on creating a new listing type for classes or events. Here's the summary:

  1. Setup:
    • Access the admin account, click the wrench icon, navigate to "Listing Types," and create a new listing type with a name and description.
    • Connect it to a user role (e.g., sellers/providers) and save.
  2. Configuration Tabs:
    • Scheduling: Enable the "Event" option to allow vendors to specify a date and time for the event or class. Save changes.
    • Monetization: Set transaction fees for vendors and customers, using percentages or fixed dollar amounts. Leave fees at zero if not needed.
    • Permissions:
      • Enable booking confirmation by hosts.
      • Optionally require login for booking and enable chat for host-participant communication.
      • Allow sellers to add optional features like upsells or custom questions during checkout.
    • Actions: Define buttons (e.g., review, chat) for receipt or transaction pages. A review button is recommended.
    • Terminology: Adjust terms (e.g., “Participant” for buyer, “Host” for seller) and customize checkout call-to-action text.
  3. Field Connections:
    • Log in as the connected user role to see the new listing type.
    • When creating a listing, vendors will see fields like duration, date, and time by default.
    • Manually connect additional required fields (e.g., title, description) in the "Fields" table under the admin account.

This ensures a comprehensive setup for hosting and managing events or classes on your platform.

Video Transcription:

" Hello, in this video we'll be showing you how to create a new listing type for classes or events.  The first thing you'll want to do is click the wrench icon in the bottom left of the admin account, go to the listing types table, and click the plus new button and give your new listing type a name.  In this case I'm just going to refer to these classes or events as You would give a description.

I'll just put in a space for now and connect it to a user role that is going to create that listing. And please keep in mind that currently only one user role can be tied to each new listing type.  In this case, we want the sellers or providers to create events. We'll hit save and now we'll go through each of the tabs under the edit button for this listing type.

And I'll define in the context of events or classes, which ones you'll need to enable.  Under the scheduling tab, we'll need to select event. such that the vendor chooses a specific date and time when they're creating the listing for the event or class, and the availability is tracked at the user level, but it's not really important right now because the, there's no scheduling.

It's just the vendor is selecting a date and time. There's no scheduling that's accessed by the customer on checkout.  We'd select event, hit save. Monetization the four bottom quadrants is where you would set your fees per transaction.  Let's say this class is a hundred dollars per person. If we want to take five dollars from the vendor, we'd set as 5%.

If we want to upcharge the customer 5, so they're in total charged 105, we could do an additional 5 percent on the customer side. You can also mix and match vendor fees, which would be like dollar fees. You could charge the vendor an additional 2 per transaction, or the customer an additional 2 per transaction.

And these will be in whatever units of currency your platform is in, but I will just put these four quadrants back to zero for now.

We would go to the permissions tab, and you may want to enable this first checkbox, which will make sellers or hosts of the event have to confirm event bookings before it's officially confirmed for the customer. Please keep in mind the customer does pay up front, so if the customer isn't confirmed.

There will need, need to be a refund process. You'll need to manually issue the refund for the cancellation, whether it's canceled by the host or the customer later on, and that can be dealt with through having a support email and just clarifying your terms on an FAQ page or on your homepage under a how it works section if you want to force users to log into book events.

I would recommend checking this box, and I also recommend checking this box if you want chat enabled on your platform, a. k. a. the ability for hosts to talk with their participants for events or classes. If it's more important to have guest checkout enabled, you want to leave this unchecked. But there may be some issues if the guest checks out without creating an account as they won't be able to use our chat system without creating an account.

If you want to enable add ons or the ability to upsell customers on top of their base ticket price, you would want to check the enable advanced payment builder option, which will enable that when the seller is creating the listing to create those add ons. Lastly, if you want to enable the ability for the seller to ask questions.

On events like unique questions per event that will show up to the customer on the checkout page, you would want to check this box, but it's not usually required. It's just an option there that you should be aware of. Under the actions tab, we have chat buttons that are automatically added.  What, what this tab is saying is what buttons do you want on the receipt page or the transaction details page?

By default, we have the chat buttons available to all users and visible to all users in any transaction state. But one that you may want to consider is putting a review button such that the participant can leave a review after the, so the customer can leave a review when the event is confirmed or completed and you could create the action button by filling it out that way.

Add ons. This is for platform level add ons. We won't cover that in this video. We'll have a separate video for that. Same with field groups. It's not really needed in most cases, but under terminology, I would recommend naming the buyer and seller and call to action terminology something appropriate.  The buyer could be participant, maybe, in the context of events.

The seller could be the host or the Instructor, the checkout page call to action could be buy ticket or save spot or something along those lines. Now that you have this listing type created, when you log in to the role that has that listing type tied to it, in this case the providers, and we log in as the provider, and create a new listing as a provider, we will see that option added to the dropdown.

And if we select event, And click get started, there will be a couple fields that are added there by default, the duration field to specify the duration of the event and the date field and the time field to specify the date and time of the event. But you still need to manually connect other fields like title, description, any custom tags from the fields table in your account.

Go to the admin account, go to the fields table, search for whatever fields you want to tie to the event listing creation, and make sure that you connect the title field to that listing type. By clicking edit, going to the connected field groups tab, clicking plus new and connecting it to events.  That title would be a required field when providers create listings of that type and you can indicate the required field by checking the box and creating that connection there.'

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